Airflow Systems Industrial Air Cleaners
Airflow Systems products deliver environmental and economic benefits in field applications including metal fabrication, machining, welding, and materials processing; collecting and filtering airborne contaminants such as grinding dust, weld smoke, machining oil mist, and processing dust and fumes.

Products We Offer

Dust Collectors

Mist Collectors
- MP
- Mist-Pac
- vom
- Pro

Air Cleaners
- F Series
- T
- TC
- TH
- FM

Portable Collectors
- Mini-Pac
- Mini-Vac

E-Z Arms

Downdraft Tables
- DT
- Easy Bench

Dust Booths
- Power Booth
- Dust Control Booth

Paint/Fume Booths
- Fume Booth

V Series

Vehicle Exhaust
- Portable Exhaust Removal
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